Lockdown 5.0

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I just called my Mum and cried.

This time round – the possibility of another ‘L’ word – I just can’t. I will. But I can’t. And I don’t want to. But I will – because we have to.

And when we’re facing a situation where we just have to ride it out – it is HARD.

H. A. R. D.

For various reasons.

I’ve encountered a few of these in my life. And I’ve learnt a bit from it.

So, what do you do to make it easier?

  • Feel the emotions. The ups, the downs, the elation, the relief, the frustration, the ‘what the actual fucks?’.

  • Make the phone calls. Tell people how you’re feeling. Cry the tears. You’ll feel better.

  • Ask for help – whether it be help with kids or financial help. And if people offer – God damn just say YES!

  • Look after your mental health – write your thoughts down. Speak your words. Say you’re ‘not ok’.

  • Move your body.

  • Don’t forget to eat.

  • Take your supplements.

And if all that seems too hard – just pick one. One thing to keep you moving forward.



‘You can tell me anything.’


Authentic self