May 2021 - Turning Procrastination into ACTION
Hello and welcome to May – the month where we turn procrastination into action!
Welcome to Evoke’d Community! We are so stoked to have you join us. Some of you have been in various programs with Evoke for ages, whilst others are newcomers – all welcome, all loved! Evoke’d = where you can come and share whatever you please. How much you involve yourself is completely up to you! Each month we will run a theme, and give you weekly tips and hints on how to work through any challenges you may have with the theme. Please feel free to share how you are going in your general life as well as in relation to the theme underneath any of the posts that the Evoke team share. We want this to be a space where you can freely seek support, vent and laugh. Each month Arnna will run an education session (first Monday of each month) relating to the theme, and help you delve a little deeper. AND you’ll also get access to our amazing monthly guest speakers. PLUS – Evoke Events – Next one coming up – 17th May!!! More on that soon!
Week One
Week one (Monday 3rd May): Hello and welcome to May – the month where we turn procrastination into action! So in true spirit of the theme – let’s get going! First step – write yourself a list of all the things that you’re procrastinating about! What do you keep putting off? Share the list with everyone if you’d like – it is a great way to keep accountable! See you today for our first education session, where I’ll chat about turning procrastination into action!
Week Two:
Week Two (Monday 10th May): Needs V Wants. Categorise each item on that list as to whether it is a Need or a Want. A Need is something that if it isn’t done there will be grave consequences – for example: Financial loss, illness or neglect. For example: eating food – it’s go to be done. A want is something that you’d like to have done – but it won’t result in anyone dying or being hurt if it isn’t completed.
Week Three:
Week Three (Monday 17th May): Make it manageable. Select one NEED to be completed. And chunk it down. For example – need to wash the windows, but the thought of doing the whole house is overwhelming? Then, just wash ONE window. Send us some pics of you completing something on your need list!
Week Four:
Week Four (Monday 24th May): Consistent commitment. What are you going to do to consistently commit to making your ‘needs and wants’ list manageable? Is it about agreeing to doing something everyday towards the list? And the final food for thought – what are you doing for you on that list? And why does it keep getting pushed WAY WAY WAY down the bottom?