Move your body, calm your mind


Last week I wrote about Self Sabotage and provided some suggestions of how you can support others going through this. But what about you? What do you need?

On April 16, I wrote a post on my Facebook business page (Evoke Kinesiology) asking everyone to take time to stop, think and decide what they want to take into their world post – Corona. Have a read:

And now we sit. And we wait. In a portal. Where we get to decide. We get to decide what we take with us. Into our new life post virus. We entered this portal with so much baggage. Unhelpful, life hindering, mentally draining baggage.The world was going too fast. The “busyness”The lost connection with our inner sanctum - within our homes. External happiness and Internal anguish. Always “doing” and forgetting to “be”. Old programming and new “must haves”Ineffective communication. Anger and fear in our voice. Ancestral trauma and Mental illness. Physical illness and Stress. Oh so much stress. Toxic relationships and Emotional manipulation. Procrastination. So much procrastination. Avoidance and. Disconnection. Life dissatisfaction. We forgot what really mattered. Became clouded with our own crap.For some - it feels like their world is imploding. For others - it’s a chance to stop. Either way we are being called to sort our crap. What an amazing opportunity. So now beautiful human you get to choose what’s going into your backpack? What are you taking forward?Are you going to keep communicating the same as you’ve always done? Even though it ends in frustration, tears and pain? Or are you going to finally work through why you have this as your automated setting? What toxic relationships do you need to lovingly say goodbye too? What relationships do you need to embrace and been thankful every day for? Which friends have shown their true colours and been with you through this challenging time? Is there room for them? What family patterns/trauma are you ready to rid yourself of? What passion do you keep putting off? Is it time to reconnect? What are your new and heart felt priorities for you and your little family? We get a chance amazing souls - to start again. Walk through to our new normal with fresh eyes and a fresh start. So sit in this portal with purpose. Break down your walls. Deal with your crap. And just like Dora, pack your bag with what matters most and how you want to this one precious life to be.”

So how did you go? Did you feel uncomfortable whilst reading any of that? Did any thing or person pop into your mind as you read the reflection questions?

Through this pandemic we have been gifted a golden opportunity to slow and work out what we want moving forward.

Time to: De-schedule. Delve. Decide.

Wipe the calendar clean. Sit in the clutter of our lives. And decide what we want to take with us.

Next week, I’ll share with you what we have been doing at Evoke Kinesiology to help determine what we want moving forward. But in the meantime – sit down with a pen and paper and answer the questions above. What do YOU want for you? No one else. Not your family, not your kids – Just you. Remember – if we base our life on doing life solely for others – we breed resentment.

So go on. Sit. Delve. And Decide.

Move your body, Calm your mind – Part 2

So how did you go? Was it easy to delve through the clutter of your life and decide what you want moving forward? 

One way that we have been doing this at Evoke Kinesiology is through movement and meditation. Two groups of people have joined forces and every day they are active in some way and take time to meditate. Each person has an accountability partner and what has been born is something so beautiful. A group of people – bettering themselves. No judgement, no pressure, just commitment to themselves and THEIR one precious life.

These groups were created to encourage and support people in being the best version of themselves. Because to make the best decisions for our lives – we need to be the best version of ourselves. And we cannot be the best version of ourselves when we are living life for others, not moving, living in mind chaos and are knee deep in addictions, conflict and unhealthy habits.

It’s simple. Our minds don’t work properly if we don’t look after our bodies that house them! So we need to do habitual practices that support our mental and physical health – which in turn will support all other aspects of our lives.

And in the groups the results have been astounding. 

‘I’m making time for me’

‘I feel whole again’

‘I can breathe again’

‘I consider myself as a person’

‘I feel safe to be me’

‘I feel connected’

‘It’s ok to be vulnerable’

‘I deserve to love my life’

‘My body loves to move – and my head loves me more for loving my body too’

‘I unconditionally matter’. 

Wow. And these are your everyday people you see walking down the street. That had lost that they too were important.

It’s allowed everyone to decide what they are taking with them in their backpacks.  

‘No more ‘busyness’’

‘The importance of taking ‘time out for me’

‘Connecting to others’

‘Saying no’

An understanding in the strength of having a community of raw, honest, genuine and true people

‘A decision to leave the ‘fixing’ and ‘dragging’ of others behind’

‘I’m slowing my mind post Corona’

‘Put effort into making REAL friendships’

At the beginning, these practices brought up all sorts of fears, judgements and excuses. But each person kept delving, kept moving, kept meditating. Because they trusted that it was the road to being the best version of themselves. The countless academic papers and research on the positive benefits of movement and meditation can’t all be wrong? Can they? 

And when you work on yourself, some cool stuff will happen. Some people around you will be inspired and jump on board, others will drift off into the distance – because they don’t vibe with you anymore, and others will find their way into your life and birth relationships you could never have dreamt of. But it will all feel right, and it will flow. The ‘heaviness’ and torment out of decisions will go.

We are souls in a human body. We have to look after our human body. It is a vehicle for movement. It is the key to a healthy mind. 

So please. Do what you have to do to ensure a healthy mind and body. Spend the money you need to spend. Take the time you need to take. Because I assure you – you will find a reward no greater than that of a life lived for you. That is probably one of the most important aspects of mental health – looking after you.


Adrenal Fatigue or Adrenal Exhaustion – whatever you’d like to call it.


Self Sabotage