Evoke Meditate Waitlist

Thank you for your interest in joining Evoke Meditate

We will be in touch when a program is available.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ve definitely heard me bang on about how amazing this program is. And I honestly cannot put into words how much this simple practice has changed my life and the lives of many others. Sounds a bit ‘woke’ – but bare with me and read on.

If I were to write a testimonial for this program, it would go something along the lines of

‘Ugh, Meditation – all the people are telling me to do it – so I did it. And I wished I had done it sooner. This is a complete game changer. The more I meditate, the more my life aligns to what it needs to be. The stuff that is holding me down diminishes and I attract more of what I want in my life. Life doesn’t feel hard anymore’ Arnna

It’s all true. Every last bit of it. There is something special in meditation, but even something even more special in this meditation group. Maybe it is the collective energy, or maybe it’s everyone working towards the same goal – but heaven’s to betsy it is amazing.

And you want in. Trust me.

There are a lot of different styles of meditation out there – and that can be overwhelming for some. In Evoke Meditate, there is no pressure to meditate a certain way, at a certain time or for a particular time period. All you need to do is to meditate daily (whenever it suits you). You can sit, lie, stand or walk whilst meditating. You can do it for five minutes or for an hour – the choice is yours.

The beauty of this program is that we guide you through different styles of meditation, give you a suggested meditation to try daily AND give you daily support within the close knit private Facebook group (oh and if you’re concerned about your social media usage – we have this neat trick where you can pop the group on the home screen of your phone so you aren’t tempted to scroll through Facebook after you’ve checked in!)

Nowadays, there’s a lot of evidence behind why meditation works and how it helps our brains, bodies and lives as a whole! Having a consistent meditation practice has been shown to sharpen your attention, increase your resilience to stress, increase your compassion towards others and yourself, and reduce inflammation in the body, which is a precursor for disease! Plus, so much more!

So, what’s this group really about?

It’s about a group of women (max 20 per group) being accountable to one another to meditate. Daily. That. Is. It. Meditation – regular meditation changes lives. We want that for you.

What’s Involved (in short):

  • Daily commitment to meditate for 100 days

  • Daily private Facebook group check in with your accountability partner to make sure you’re getting it done

  • Online sessions with external meditation facilitators

  • Online education sessions with Evoke Kinesiology’s Senior Kinesiologist, Arnna Pickering

  • Surveys, check ins and Facebook chats

  • Group and individual challenges

What’s Involved (in long):

Your Commitment:

  • Meditate daily for 100 days. Share your experience with your accountability partner within the private Facebook group

  • Why do you need an accountability partner? What we’ve found in all of our Kinesiology and mental health client work is that, at the start of any goal implementation, people are more likely to get moving or actioning a goal when they have someone checking in on them daily. So that’s what you’ll have – a person who will tag you in their post about what they have done to be active for that day, and you’ll do the same for them

What you get:

  • Supportive and welcoming community of like-minded woman (limited to 20 per group)

  • Individually allocated accountability partner who’ll help keep you on track and accountable for meditating daily

  • Ongoing support from the Evoke team, including regular Zoom and Facebook lives to assist you along your meditation journey – as listed below

  • 100 day meditation structure (all sessions with Arnna Pickering, Senior Kinesiologist unless otherwise specified)

Live chats with Arnna every ten days (give or take a few days!) about the following:

  • Introduction and tips on how to meditate

  • Loving Kindness Meditations

  • Sound Meditations

  • Tips and tricks on how to clear what comes up

  • Base Chakra Meditations

  • Sacral Chakra Meditations

  • Solar Plexus Chakra Meditations

  • Heart Chakra Meditations

  • Throat Chakra Meditations

  • Inner Child Healings

Two BONUS online sessions with external meditation facilitators: We have links with people that do these things! And they’re amazing. Every accredited meditation / yoga facilitator that we bring to you is individually handpicked because they’re real, honest and committed to their craft!

Check ins and chats: As you can see from the above, you’ll not feel alone during the 100 day journey! In addition to the extensive Zoom / Facebook live sessions we also provide an opportunity for you to give us feedback about your journey via regular questionnaires and Q&As, including an introductory questionnaire to assist with pairing of accountability partners

Optional challenges to push you safely out of your comfort zone

Please note: Participants are not mandated to only meditate within the styles listed above. As the journey progresses, participants will naturally gravitate towards certain styles that work for them. Examples of each style will be provided throughout the 100 days, however, the collective of the group will share their favourites and go on an exploration journey of their own. Every person is different, therefore, everyone will meditate differently and will like different styles of meditation. And that is simply, ok.


What we notice in all Evoke Meditate groups is that on top of the real, raw and genuine friendships that emerge, people start to work through their deep-seated belief systems and feel safe and ready to clear clutter from their lives. Not just physical clutter, but emotional, mental and anything else that they feel is holding them back. Holding them back from the life they remember they actually deserve!

Evoke Meditate is simply the start of something purely extraordinary. And we want you, all of you, to be a part of it. You don’t have to carry this burden of overwhelm, clutter, never feeling like you’re ‘doing’ enough.

You’re brilliant – you’ve just got to believe it.

At Evoke Kinesiology we see meditation as a multifaceted approach to mental health. Whilst there are meditation modalities that focus on the de-stressing, being completely zen and mindfulness, there are also modalities that help you delve into what you want and assist with clearing your mind clutter, outdated programs, beliefs and sabotages.

And in this 100 day challenge we touch on both of these styles – we give you some zen, unravel some crap, then zen you back up again!

You deserve a phenomenal life. Evoke Meditate will help you move towards that, in a supportive, loving and often hilarious group setting kind of way!

Here’s why:

If you’re still not sure why you need to join – here are some raw testimonials from participants:

"Evoke Meditate gave me permission to set aside time for myself each day. Instead of dwelling on the days issues I was able to say "I'm going to meditate I'll chat in half an hour" which changed the conversation that I was having with my partner before bed about the day and life in general, being able to put things into perspective and have more gratitude changed my frame of mind. "


Stop sitting on the fence, if you are thinking about joining, this is your sign! Do it for yourself, you will love it!! - Christy

‘So much...I don't like to think of the state I would be in right now without meditation, and without the support of this group. I'm less anxious and angry; a dark day might only be one dark day instead of spiralling into weeks or months of wanting to crawl into bed and never get up. I'm calmer with more kids. (My husband) tells me how nice it is to see me laugh, because it's been such a long time. And I've found my tribe. I think I'm going to cry now!!’

Learning how to have the ability to calm my mind has been a game changer for me. I now have a safe space where my body and mind are connected and I am able to become much more self aware. It's a place just for me to enjoy. My priorities are different and my life is different. Meditation will be my superpower for life now! :) – Renae